Men's Health
    Updated at: October 19, 202320 min read

    How to adjust your diet for testosterone production

    Some food increases your testosterone production, whereas others inhibit it. This is of special concern to all males as they get older. During your 20s, you produce the optimal amount of testosterone. Then, starting around age 30, your production decreases approximately 1% per year. A man at age 40 has 10% less testosterone output. At age 50, 20% less.

    The idea is to adjust your diet to foods that will help you maintain your optimal amount of testosterone, even beyond your max experienced during your 20s. While this post is about nutrition, it is important to remember that other factors (such as sleep) will also adjust your T levels in a favourable, or unfavourable manner (hint, every hour your sleep beyond 4 hours gives you an additional 15% boost in testosterone, up to 8 hours).

    What foods will help you adjust your diet for the maximum amount of testosterone? Let's get started below!

    Eggs increase testosterone

    First, let me fight the negative rap “mainstream” nutritionists have been trying to lay on eggs for quite some time. No, eggs won’t raise your cholesterol. Even the US government (Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee) has changed its mind, coming to different conclusions in 2015 than it had found 5 years earlier.

    The group’s finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a “nutrient of concern” stands in contrast to the committee’s findings five years ago, the last time it convened. During those proceedings, as in previous years, the panel deemed the issue of excess cholesterol in the American diet a public health concern.

    There’s a plethora of information on the internet about how eggs are no longer considered bad for you, in regards to cholesterol. Many people respect Jillian Michaels as a health and wellness expert. She blames high cholesterol on saturated and trans fats, not on dietary cholesterol.

    Eggs are great for a number of reasons. They are easy, nutrition-packed protein for bodybuilders. They’re considered the perfect food by many. And here’s another reason to think so: eating eggs increases your T-levels.

    Studies show that consuming fat, and dietary cholesterol as found in eggs (remember, not the same thing as the bad cholesterol found to clog arteries), increases testosterone production.

    On the flip side, another study shows that eating a low fat diet results in low testosterone. Where can you get the fat and dietary cholesterol necessary in order to boost your test? Eggs! 

    High magnesium foods increase testosterone

    The goal is to eat foods that are high in magnesium. One excellent choice for this is wheat bran, though there are other selections which are listed below. Wheat bran not only is an excellent source of magnesium; it also packs a fair amount of protein, and lots of fibre.

    There was a study on magnesium and how it affects testosterone production. The findings of the research is summarized:

    Our results show that supplementation with magnesium increases free and total testosterone values in sedentary and in athletes. The increases are higher in those who exercise than in sedentary individuals.

    Whether you’re lazy or exercise vigorously, magnesium supplementation equated into testosterone gains. They found that the gains were even higher in those who exercised (which could have been from the exercise itself).

    While testosterone is definitely an excellent benefit from magnesium supplementation, consider the other benefits: “Magnesium is a mineral that’s crucial to the body’s function. Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.”

    Experts say that many people in the U.S. aren’t eating enough foods with magnesium. Adults who consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium are more likely to have elevated inflammation markers. Inflammation, in turn, has been associated with major health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Also, low magnesium appears to be a risk factor for osteoporosis.

    There’s some evidence that eating foods high in magnesium and other minerals can help prevent high blood pressure in people with pre-hypertension. Following is a list of foods high in magnesium:

    Wheat Bran, crude, ¼ cup89 mg22%
    Almonds, dry roasted, 1 ounce80 mg20%
    Spinach, frozen, cooked, ½ cup78 mg20%
    Raisin bran cereal, 1 cup77 mg19%
    Cashews, dry roasted, 1 ounce74 mg19%
    Soybeans, mature, cooked, ½ cup74 mg19%
    Fish, haddock, oven cooked, 5 ounces,71 mg18%
    Wheat germ, crude, ¼ cup69 mg17%
    Nuts, mixed, dry roasted, 1 ounce64 mg16%
    Bran flakes cereal, ¾ cup64 mg16%

    As you can see, wheat bran is at the top of the list! Add your favourite foods listed above to your shopping list and start adjusting your diet today for better production of testosterone.

    Supplement and eat foods with Zinc

    If you are deficient in Zinc, then supplementing Zinc can increase your testosterone levels. One study by Wayne State University found the following regarding zinc and testosterone levels.

    Zinc supplementation of marginally zinc-deficient normal elderly men for six months resulted in an increase in serum testosterone ... We conclude that zinc may play an important role in modulating serum testosterone levels in normal men.

    The following list consists of foods that are high in zinc. Foods with the highest mg zinc per serving is listed higher on the list.


    Serving Size



    Beef4 oz175.04.09mg
    Lamb4 oz310.43.87mg
    Sesame Seeds0.25 cup206.32.79mg
    Pumpkin Seeds0.25 cup180.32.52mg
    Garbanzo Beans1 cup269.02.51mg
    Lentils1 cup229.72.51mg
    Cashews0.25 cup221.22.31mg
    Quinoa0.75 cup222.02.02mg
    Turkey4 oz166.71.95mg
    Shrimp4 oz134.91.85mg
    Tofu4 oz164.41.78mg
    Scallops4 oz125.91.76mg
    Green Peas1 cup115.71.64mg
    Oats0.25 cup151.71.55mg
    Yogurt1 cup149.41.45mg
    Spinach1 cup41.41.37mg
    Asparagus1 cup39.61.08mg
    Mushrooms, Crimini1 cup15.80.79mg
    Mushrooms, Shiitake0.50 cup40.6mg0.96mg
    Beet Greens1 cup38.90.72mg
    Summer Squash1 cup36.00.70mg
    Broccoli1 cup54.60.70mg
    Swiss Chard1 cup35.00.58mg
    Brussels Sprouts1 cup56.20.51mg
    Miso1 TBS34.20.44mg
    Parsley0.50 cup10.90.33mg
    Sea Vegetables1 TBS10.80.33mg
    Tomatoes1 cup32.40.31mg
    Bok Choy1 cup20.40.29mg

    If you find you enjoy your diet, but it doesn’t have all the zinc you want, it's fine to take a zinc supplement

    Testosterone supplements

    In addition to adjusting your diet, you can consider medical treatments for boosting your testosterone levels. One way to do that is with testosterone gel. This is a gel that men use on their bodies to increase their testosterone. Testogel is used to replenish testosterone when not enough is being created by the body.

    We sell this and many other high-quality supplements here at UK Meds. Testogel is a prescription-only medication. If you need a prescription for testosterone gel, simply add it to your cart and check out. As you do so, you will be guided in the steps you need to take to get a prescription for Testogel online from the convenience of your home.

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