Men's Health
    Updated at: October 19, 202320 min read

    Male Hormones and How They Affect Health

    Hormones are well known for affecting many different aspects of the body. They can regulate many different bodily functions, how healthy someone is, and much more. But how do they exactly affect health? In this article we will go into detail on male hormones, elaborating on the roles that they play in the male body, as well as how they affect different bodily functions including libido, fertility, muscle growth, and mental health. 

    What are male hormones?

    Hormones are chemicals in the body that act as messengers. They work by travelling through the bloodstream to tissues or organs that require them. There are over 50 hormones in the human body, each of which will help the body to function correctly. Hormones are created by your endocrine system, a series of glands and organs that work together to help bodily functions. The endocrine system contains: 

    • Hypothalamus

    • Pituitary gland

    • Pineal gland

    • Thyroid

    • Parathyroid glands

    • Adrenal glands

    • Pancreas

    • Ovaries

    • Testes

    Some hormones however are not produced by glands or organs in the endocrine system. They are instead produced by the following:

    • Adipose tissue

    • Kidneys

    • Liver

    • Gut

    • Placenta

    Whilst everyone has the same hormones, the levels of hormones vary between men and women. Male dominant hormones are what make a man a man. The main hormone in which men have more is testosterone. Testosterone is produced by both males and females, however, males have significantly more. The testosterone in a man is mainly produced in the testes, with a small amount also being produced in the kidneys. In a woman, testosterone is produced in three different areas, one quarter in the ovaries, one quarter in the adrenal gland, and one half in peripheral tissue around the ovaries and adrenal gland.

    What are the key male hormones?

    As mentioned, the main male sex hormone is testosterone. Testosterone plays a large role in the male body and is a driving factor for many different bodily functions. Men also have all other hormones that women have, it is simply the levels that differ. The other main hormones that are needed for human bodies to function correctly include estrogen, progesterone, insulin, cortisol, and adrenaline. 

    What is the role of male hormones?

    As mentioned, the main male sex hormone is testosterone. Testosterone’s main function is to develop male sex organs and is vital in forming the penis, testicles, and sperm. Testosterone is used in the reproductive system and plays a hand in sperm quality and sperm count. Testosterone is also a factor in muscle growth, facial and body hair growth, bone development and growth, and sex drive.

    How do male hormones affect a man’s health?

    In terms of general health, testosterone can play a significant role in keeping a man healthy. Testosterone levels can vary, and both men and women can experience heightened or reduced levels of the hormone. When someone is suffering from reduced levels of testosterone their mental and physical health can be affected. Testosterone helps to produce healthy red blood cells, meaning people may begin to experience issues with blood pressure if their testosterone levels reduce.

    Lowered testosterone in men can also lead to oestrogen and progesterone becoming more prominent. Oestrogen and progesterone are two of the main female hormones. When oestrogen becomes more prominent in a male body, there are some changes that can occur. Some changes people with reduced testosterone may notice include breast tissue growth, this is called gynecomastia. Men may also experience difficulty growing facial hair, as well as a reduction in sperm levels and quality. Men can also experience erectile dysfunction due to reduced testosterone levels. 

    How do male hormones affect libido and fertility?

    Testosterone is the main male hormone that affects both libido and fertility. Healthy testosterone levels mean that men will not struggle to attain an erection, and they will also have higher sperm counts and greater quality sperm. When testosterone levels are diminished, men can suffer from conditions such as erectile dysfunction. With treatment, men can counteract the symptoms of erectile dysfunction by using medications such as ViagraCialis and Eropid. 

    Low testosterone levels can also mean that a man’s sperm quality is not very high, and his sperm count can also be low. When a man’s sperm count is lower than 15 million per millimetre of semen, his sperm count is considered low. With a low sperm count, it can be very hard for a man to naturally conceive a child. Thankfully there are treatments, such as a male fertility supplement, that can aid in boosting a man’s sperm count.

    How do male hormones affect energy?

    The main hormone for energy production is thyroxine, a hormone that is produced in the thyroid gland. Testosterone, the main male hormone, can also have a role to play in energy. People with low testosterone levels have reported that they feel like they are more lethargic and that they have less energy, this is particularly true of those over the age of 50 where natural testosterone levels will begin to drop. To combat this, you should try and get more sleep.

    How do male hormones affect muscle strength?

    It is well known that testosterone is closely linked with muscle growth and strength. This is because testosterone is used to grow muscles. One way to increase testosterone levels is through exercise. When a man exercises his testosterone levels rise, this is then used to help grow healthy muscles. Strength also comes with healthy muscle growth. Men that have reduced levels of testosterone, such as those over the age of 50, will find that they have more trouble building muscle, especially when exercising.

    How do male hormones affect mental health?

    Lowered testosterone levels have shown to have a negative effect on a man’s mental health. Low testosterone can lead to depression, and some of the conditions it causes, such as erectile dysfunction, can also knock a man’s confidence greatly. 


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