General Health
    Updated at: April 10, 202413 min read

    Mental Health Awareness: A beginner's guide to panic disorder and agoraphobia

    In a world where mental health awareness is increasingly crucial, understanding conditions like panic disorder and agoraphobia that are not often talked about can be difficult. This beginner's guide aims to explain these often misunderstood conditions, addressing common misconceptions and debunking the stigma surrounding them. Exploring the signs and symptoms of panic disorder and agoraphobia, we look into the impact they can have on individuals' lives, from everyday function to overall well-being. We will also discuss ways you can seek help and create self-help strategies that work for you.

    A lady in the middle of a busy crowd having a panic attack

    What is the definition of panic disorder?

    According to the NHS, panic disorder is defined as unexpected episodes of intense panic or fear, which are often referred to as panic attacks. These episodes can occur without any apparent trigger and are typically accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. These attacks can be debilitating and disruptive to daily life, causing significant distress and impairment in functioning.

    What is the definition of agoraphobia?

    Agoraphobia, as defined by the NHS,  is a type of anxiety disorder marked by an intense fear of situations where escape might be challenging or where help might not be readily available if needed. Individuals with agoraphobia often avoid places or situations that they perceive as potentially triggering panic attacks or where they fear they may become trapped or unable to seek assistance. 

    How prevalent is panic disorder in the UK?

    Based on the data from the 2000 Office for National Statistics Psychiatric Morbidity survey, the prevalence of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia in the UK was found to be 1.70% of the population (Skapinakis et al, 2011).

    How prevalent is agoraphobia in the UK?

    In the UK, around 1% to half of a percent of the population is affected by fully developed agoraphobia, according to Professor Kevin Gournay. In a milder form, around 1 in 8 people will be affected by agoraphobia in the UK, which is around 7 million people.

    Is agoraphobia a panic disorder?

    Yes, agoraphobia can indeed be associated with panic disorder. It often develops as a complication or consequence of panic disorder, which involves recurring episodes of intense fear or panic. Agoraphobia can arise when individuals begin to associate certain places or situations with the occurrence of panic attacks and subsequently avoid them to prevent further episodes, according to the NHS

    Is panic disorder the same as anxiety?

    Panic disorder falls under the broader category of anxiety disorders, but it is not the same as general anxiety. While both involve feelings of anxiety, panic disorder specifically entails recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, which are intense episodes of fear or discomfort that arise suddenly and without an obvious trigger (Bennington-Castro & Gillihan, 2023).

    Misconceptions & Stigma

    What are common misconceptions of panic disorder?

    According to the Recovery Village, there are 8 main myths and misconceptions people have about panic disorder. They are:

    1. Panic attacks and anxiety are the same thing: While panic attacks can be a symptom of anxiety disorders like panic disorder, they are different.

    2. Panic attacks cause fainting: Although individuals may feel dizzy or lightheaded during a panic attack, fainting is rare.

    3. Panic attacks cause extreme harm: While panic attacks can be distressing, they do not usually cause physical harm.

    4. Panic attacks are an overreaction to stress or anxiety: Panic attacks are not simply exaggerated responses to stress or anxiety. They are a result of complex interactions between biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

    5. Deep breaths will calm a panic attack: While deep breathing techniques can help manage anxiety, they may not always alleviate a panic attack.

    6. Individuals with panic disorder will be medicated the rest of their life: While medication may be part of the treatment plan for panic disorder, it is not always a lifelong requirement. 

    7. People having a panic attack lose all control: Although panic attacks can feel overwhelming, individuals experiencing them typically retain some level of awareness and control.

    8. Panic attack triggers should be avoided: While avoiding triggers may provide temporary relief, it can reinforce fear and lead to avoidance behaviours. 

    What are common misconceptions of agoraphobia?

    As with panic disorder, there are myths and misconceptions that surround agoraphobia as well. According to the Recovery Village, there are 6 main myths and misconceptions surrounding the condition:

    1. People with agoraphobia never leave the house: While some individuals with severe agoraphobia may have difficulty leaving their homes, many others can and do go outside.

    2. Agoraphobes don’t go outside: Individuals with agoraphobia may indeed experience anxiety about certain situations or environments, but this doesn't necessarily mean they avoid going outside altogether.

    3. People with agoraphobia are lazy: Agoraphobia is not a matter of laziness but rather a complex anxiety disorder that can significantly impact someone’s ability to engage in certain activities or environments due to fear and distress.

    4. Agoraphobia is the same as introversion: While individuals with agoraphobia may prefer to spend time indoors due to anxiety, agoraphobia is different from being an introvert. Introversion is a personality trait characterised by a preference for being alone or going to smaller social gatherings.

    5. Individuals with agoraphobia are antisocial: Agoraphobia does not necessarily mean that you do not like social situations, but rather that you find them difficult. 

    6. Agoraphobia is the same as panic disorder: While agoraphobia can often develop as a complication of panic disorder, the two are different conditions.

    Signs & Symptoms

    What are the physical symptoms of panic disorder?

    Panic disorder can manifest itself through numerous physical symptoms. The NHS highlighted the following physical symptoms as being common with panic disorder:

    • Palpitations

    • Trembling, shivering and shaking

    • Hot flushes and sweating, or chills

    • Shortness of breath or chest pain

    • Nausea, dizziness, feeling faint and vomiting

    • Numbness or pins and needles

    • Needing to use the toilet

    • Ringing in your ears

    • Tingling sensation in the fingers or toes

    What are the physical symptoms of agoraphobia?

    Individuals with agoraphobia may experience physical symptoms when confronted with situations or environments that trigger anxiety. While some may actively avoid these situations to prevent these symptoms, others may still encounter them, leading to distress. Common physical symptoms of agoraphobia according to the NHS include:

    • Rapid breathing or heartbeat

    • Feeling hot and sweaty

    • Feeling sick, dizzy or faint

    • Chest pain

    • Difficulty swallowing

    • Diarrhoea

    • Ringing in the ears

    What are emotional symptoms of panic disorder?

    As well as physical symptoms, some people may experience emotional symptoms when they suffer from panic disorders. Emotional symptoms may include, according to the National Institute of Mental Health:

    • Overwhelming anxiety or fear

    • Feeling out of control

    • Fear of death or impending danger

    • Concern about future attacks

    • Avoidance behaviour

    What behavioural changes can there be with panic disorder?

    Panic disorder can lead to various behavioural changes as sufferers navigate the challenges of recurrent panic attacks and ongoing anxiety. Some common behavioural changes associated with panic disorder include avoidance and safety behaviours. Sufferers may also seek assurance and remain hypervigilant during uncomfortable situations. The NHS states that they may also limit activities to try and avoid panic attacks.

    What behavioural changes can there be with agoraphobia?

    Certainly, agoraphobia can lead to various behavioural changes as individuals navigate their fear of situations or environments where they fear experiencing panic attacks. Some common behavioural symptoms associated with agoraphobia, according to the NHS include:

    • Avoidance behaviours

    • Becoming housebound

    • Needing a trusted companion at all times

    • Avoiding being far from home

    What are the cognitive signs of panic disorder?

    Cognitive symptoms of panic disorder often involve distressing and irrational thoughts that contribute to the intensity of panic attacks. Common cognitive symptoms include:

    • Catastrophising

    • Fears of losing control

    • Fears of going ‘crazy’

    • Hypervigilance 

    What are the cognitive signs of agoraphobia?

    Cognitive signs of agoraphobia often involve distressing thoughts and fears related to potential panic attacks and their consequences. The NHS state some common cognitive signs include:

    • Fear of embarrassment

    • Fear of a life-threatening event

    • Fear of being trapped

    • Fear of losing sanity

    • Fear of losing control

    • Fear of physical symptoms

    Which biological factors can cause panic disorder?

    Biological factors play a significant role in the development of panic disorder. Some key biological factors that can affect panic disorder include neurotransmitter imbalance, genetic predisposition, brain structure or function, hypersensitivity to the fear response and other hormonal factors (Kyriakoulis & Kyrios, 2023).

    Which biological factors can cause agoraphobia?

    Biological factors can contribute to the development of agoraphobia, along with other factors such as personality traits, stress, and learning experiences. Genetic factors and chemical imbalances, as well as brain structure and hormonal factors, can contribute to agoraphobia, according to the Mayo Clinic

    Which environmental influences can cause agoraphobia?

    Environmental influences, including traumatic experiences, can contribute to the development of agoraphobia. Agoraphobia can develop following exposure to traumatic events, such as accidents, natural disasters, physical or sexual abuse, or witnessing violence (White & McIntosh, 2024)

    Which psychological factors can cause panic disorder?

    Several psychological factors may contribute to the development of panic disorder. Family history can play a role, as well as cognitive factors, and interpersonal and behavioural factors such as avoidance, and feeling the need to stay safe, according to the NHS.

    Which psychological factors can cause agoraphobia?

    Several psychological factors may contribute to the development of agoraphobia. According to the NHS, traumatic childhood experiences, stressful life events, a previous history of mental illness, substance abuse and unhealthy relationships can all contribute towards agoraphobia.

    The Impact of Panic Disorder

    How can panic disorder impact on personal life?

    Panic disorder can have significant impacts on various aspects of personal life. It can interfere with daily activities and put a strain on relationships. Panic disorder can have an impact on your career or your education, and can increase the risk of comorbid conditions such as agoraphobia, depression, or substance abuse, the NHS states.

    How can agoraphobia impact on personal life?

    Agoraphobia can have a number of different effects on someone's personal life. It can cause people to become socially isolated and can impact heavily on someone's personal relationships. It can also be debilitating, causing people to have limited mobility as they will restrict their movements and activities (Tidy & Willacy, 2023).

    How can panic disorder impact physical health?

    While panic attacks themselves are not physically harmful, chronic stress, sleep disturbances, physical symptoms, lifestyle factors, and comorbidities associated with panic disorder can have implications for physical health, according to the NHS.

    Seeking Help

    When should you seek help for a panic disorder?

    Seeking help for panic disorder is important for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. NHS advice says if you're experiencing symptoms of panic disorder that are distressing, interfering with your life, or causing you concern, it's important to reach out to a healthcare professional for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.

    When should you seek help for agoraphobia?

    Seeking help for agoraphobia is important for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. If you're experiencing symptoms of agoraphobia that are distressing, interfering with your life, or causing you concern, the NHS says it's important to contact a healthcare professional who will be able to help diagnose and treat your condition.

    Which professional services are available for panic disorder?

    For individuals seeking professional services to address panic disorder, several options are available, including:

    • NHS Talking Therapies: The NHS offers talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which can be accessed through the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program.

    • Mind: Mind is a mental health charity in the UK that provides information, support, and resources for individuals experiencing panic disorder and other mental health conditions.

    • Anxiety UK: Anxiety UK is a national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with anxiety disorders, including panic disorder. 

    • NHS Website: The NHS website provides information and resources on mental health conditions, including panic disorder.

    Can therapy and medication help a panic disorder?

    Combining therapy and medication may be more effective than either treatment alone for some individuals with panic disorder, according to the Mayo Clinic. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual needs, preferences, and medical history. Additionally, therapy and medication may take time to show significant results, and ongoing support and monitoring may be necessary to manage symptoms effectively and prevent relapse.

    Can therapy and medication help agoraphobia?

    Both therapy and medication can be beneficial in treating agoraphobia. It's important for individuals with agoraphobia to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and preferences. Treatment approaches may vary depending on the severity of symptoms, individual circumstances, and response to interventions, according to the NHS.

    Can support groups help with panic disorder?

    The NHS advises that support groups may be beneficial for people with panic disorder. Support groups can play a valuable role in the recovery process for individuals with panic disorder, offering emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community. Whether in-person or online, support groups provide a platform for individuals to connect, learn, and grow together as they navigate the challenges of living with panic disorder.

    Self-Help Strategies for Panic Disorder

    Which lifestyle changes can help with panic disorder?

    Several lifestyle changes can contribute to managing panic disorder effectively. Here are some key lifestyle adjustments that may help (Washington & Smith, 2023):

    • Consume a healthy, balanced diet

    • Stay hydrated

    • Get plenty of regular exercise

    • Prioritise your sleep

    • Try and manage your stress levels

    • Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption

    Which lifestyle changes can help with agoraphobia?

    Lifestyle changes can play a supportive role in managing agoraphobia. Here are some lifestyle adjustments suggested by the NHS that may help individuals with agoraphobia:

    • Regular exercise

    • A healthy, balanced diet

    • Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake

    • Seeking out social support

    • Gradually exposing yourself to difficult situations

    • Practice self-care techniques

    Can mindfulness and relaxation help with panic disorder?

    Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can indeed be beneficial for managing panic disorder symptoms for some individuals. Some individuals may find these practices helpful in managing their symptoms, while others may not experience significant benefits or may find them challenging to implement. It's important to explore different mindfulness techniques and relaxation strategies to find what works best for you (Mental Health Foundation, 2022).

    Can building a strong support network help with panic disorder?

    Yes, building a strong support network can be incredibly beneficial for people managing panic disorder. Having a strong support network can significantly enhance your ability to cope with panic disorder and improve your quality of life, according to the Condition Management Company. Whether through friends, family, support groups, or online communities, connecting with others who understand and empathise with your experiences can provide invaluable support and encouragement on your journey towards recovery.


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