Chronic Conditions
    Updated at: June 11, 20246 min read

    How to use or administer an EpiPen

    Epipens have been in the market for a very long time now. Read the product instruction manual, to know the steps to administer it properly.

    Key Takeaways

    How to Use an EpiPen:

    Remove the safety cap, grip the EpiPen properly, and press it against the patient's thigh (avoiding clothing seams). Hold for 10 to 15 seconds until you hear a click, then rub the injection area. Use the needle guard after injecting and label the pen with the time. A second dose can be given after 5 minutes if needed. Green EpiPens are for children under 5, and orange ones are for those 5 and older.

    Preventing Anaphylaxis:

    To prevent severe allergic reactions, avoid known triggers, inform healthcare providers about your allergies, wear protective clothing, use insect repellent, and check food ingredients. Being proactive can help avoid life-threatening situations.

    Testing and Treatment for Anaphylaxis:

    Get tested for allergies by a doctor to identify unknown allergies. Always carry an emergency anaphylaxis kit, including an EpiPen, and ensure those around you know how to use it. Consider using an EpiPen holder to avoid misplacing your medication.

    How To Use An Epipen:

    To use the EpiPen, you have to first remove its safety cap. When you hold the EpiPen, wrap your thumb around the front or around the sides of the EpiPen. This is a crucial step. Remember that is has a needle that is loaded with spring. 

    • Now, place it against the leg of the patient, over the clothes as it will go past the clothing, but where the patient is wearing jeans make sure it is not pressed as against the seam of the denim. When you press it, you will hear a clicking sound. 

    • The clicking sound is an indication that the needle is already activated and they can now be injected. You should hold it in for at least 10 to 15 seconds prior to removing, then give the area injected a slow rub. 

    • After that, use the needle guard located at the other end of the EpiPen. This needle guard covers the needle after the patient has been given an injection. It makes the EpiPen safe after injection. 

    • Make sure you rub the area injected by the EpiPen to help the skin absorb the adrenalin. Label the pen with the time you administered it. 

    If the patient has not responded for approximately 5 minutes, you can give them another shot. 

    Epipens are available in two colour variants. The green EpiPen is used for children who are aged 5 years old and below, while the orange EpiPen is to be administered in patients 5 years and older.

    An epipen on a surface

    How can you prevent Anaphylaxis?

    Anaphylaxis is the medical term for severe allergic reaction. This can be caused by several factors. The leading allergies that often results in anaphylaxis are food, rubber or latex, medications, and insect bites. 

    Anaphylaxis can lead to swelling and horrible rashes and can result in shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, and severe anxiety. This medical condition can be life-threatening. If not treated within minutes, the allergy can be fatal. 

    Anaphylaxis is characterized by an acute allergic reaction. It includes the airways, the throat, and the tissues in and around our body. It is the allergic reaction around the throat and airways that can make it a matter of immediate concern. The airways can close very fast and the patient can lose consciousness or worse, die. Very severe allergies must not be ignored and it must be treated immediately. 

    Here are some effective ways one can prevent anaphylaxis:

    Prevention of Anaphylaxis

    After you know that you have severe allergies, you must avoid all triggers at all cost to prevent any allergies.

    • For example, if you have allergies to certain medicines, include that in your medical history and let your dentist, nurse, or doctor know.

    • If you have an allergy with certain insect bites, wear protective clothing and use insect repellant all the time.

    • When you have food allergies, always check the ingredients of food before eating.

    These simple preventive measures can go a long way in saving you or a loved one. 

    Testing for Anaphylaxis

    The tragedy comes when you do not know that you have certain allergies. This can be prevented by consulting your doctor. They can run some tests using allergen extracts and vaccines to know if you have allergies. Adults and children must take time to have allergy tests.

    An epipen being administered into a man's leg

    Treatment of Anaphylaxis

    Always make sure you have an emergency anaphylaxis kit with you all the time. This will contain your medication in case of allergies and your EpiPen. That way you can easily inject it on your arm or leg when needed. Make sure that people around you know exactly how to use and inject EpiPens. 

    There are various types of emergency kits for anaphylactic patients. An EpiPen is a good example of auto-injectors of epinephrine that can be easily used by patients of all ages. The only problem with these kits are, they easily get lost or misplaced by the patient. If you often find yourself in such a predicament, it is best to have an EpiPen holder. This will help ensure that you will always have your epinephrine medication with you when you need it the most.

    Anaphylaxis is no laughing matter. If you get tested for chronic allergies, you have to arm yourself with the right knowledge and information on how to handle an anaphylaxis emergency. Always have your emergency anaphylaxis treatment with you wherever you go, for you and your loved ones peace of mind.

    Using an expired Epipen

    Can you use an Expired EpiPen?

    If someone is having an anaphylactic reaction and only an expired EpiPen is available, you can use it if it is not discoloured and does not have particles in it (, 2023).

    Check the EpiPen Before Use

    Always check the clear viewing window of the EpiPen. If the liquid is discoloured or contains particles, do not use it, as it may be less effective.

    Minimal Risk with expired Epipen:

    There is minimal risk in using a recently expired EpiPen, but the potential benefits during an anaphylactic reaction are significant.

    Order An Epipen Online

    You can purchase an epipen online at UK Meds. Please note, all requests for supply of prescription medications are subject to an online clinical consultation and the decision to prescribe will be made by a registered doctor. 

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