Erectile Dysfunction
    Updated at: October 19, 20232 min read

    Is Vardenafil the same as Levitra?

    Erectile dysfunction is an ailment that is extremely common and yet most men who suffer feel embarassment and therefore avoid speaking about it. Avoiding talking about the issue can lead to a number of questions around the condition and also the treatments available for it. You may have heard of some of the medicines, but do you understand them fully?

    Is vardenafil the same as Levitra?

    Yes, vardenafil is the generic version of the medicine, whereas Levitra is a brand name. Both of these medicines contain the same active ingredient (vardenafil) and therefore work in exactly the same way. The main difference between the two is usually the cost, with a generic version of a medicine being a lot more cost effective than a branded one. This is not just true of ED medicines but pretty much all medicines.

    Even though they’re slightly more expensive, some people do prefer branded Levitra because although the active ingredient will always be the same, different manufacturers can use other ingredients such as coatings to create their version of the medicine. Some people find that different coatings and ingredients suit them differently, so choosing branded Levitra is a way to guarantee that you’re getting exactly the same tablet each time. If you choose the generic vardenafil then you may receive different generics from different manufacturers that suit you slightly differently.

    What are the side effects of Levitra (Vardenafil)?

    Levitra is generally a very well-tolerated medicine and is often chosen above alternatives like Viagra and Cialis for that very reason. Men who have taken Viagra or Cialis before and have complained of side effects, may be switched to Levitra and find that these are lessened or subside completely.

    Levitra does still carry the risk of some side effects though and these include headaches, a stuffy nose and lightheadedness. If you experience severe or persistent side effects then you should seek medical advice.

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