    Updated at: July 26, 20245 min read

    Mood Boosting Foods: Which Food Types Can Make You Feel Happier?

    If you’re in need of a mood boost, then your kitchen cupboards could help you out, rather than a day with friends or a holiday. There are plenty of nutrition-rich foods you could reach for that not only help to nourish your body, but also help with wellbeing and mood.

    Key Takeaways

    Mood-Boosting Foods:

    Certain foods can enhance your mood. Berries are rich in antioxidants linked to lower depression rates, chocolate contains mood-boosting substances like caffeine and theobromine, oats help regulate mood with their slow energy release and high iron content, bananas support neurotransmitter production with vitamin B6 and tryptophan, and oily fish like salmon and mackerel provide omega-3 fatty acids beneficial for cognitive function and reducing depression.

    Benefits of a Balanced Diet:

    Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-rich foods not only boosts mood but also supports overall health. For example, oily fish also help protect against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and dementia.

    Weight Management:

    Making healthier food choices can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. If diet and exercise alone are insufficient, weight loss medications like Orlistat, Wegovy, Mounajro, or Saxenda may be considered, available through an online consultation process with a registered doctor.

    Which Foods Can Boost Your Mood?

    Here are 5 food types you should consider if you’re in need of a pick-me-up.


    You probably know by now that berries are rich in antioxidants but did you know that that’s been linked to a lower risk of mood disorders? It seems as though eating more fruit and vegetables is linked to lower rates of depression.

    Berries also pack a healthy dose of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, which play a key role in combating oxidative stress (University of Southampton, 2016).

    Pieces of dark chocolate with raspberries around it


    Everyone loves a bit of chocolate right? Well, despite the calories, it could be better for you than you realise. Chocolate is rich in mood-boosting substances such as caffeine, theobromine, and N-acylethanolamine (a substance chemically similar to cannabinoids that have been linked to improved mood). Small amounts of dark chocolate, in particular, each day, could help to improve your memory, cognition and cardio-metabolic health (BBC, 2021).

    Although sugar contains calories that when eating in excess can lead to weight gain, a little sugar can boost your mood as it provides an instant source of fuel for the brain.

    Also, there’s no arguing that chocolate has a pleasurable smell, taste and texture - qualities that give it a high “hedonic” rating and promote a good mood.

    Podcast: Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley - Eat Chocolate

    BBC's Just One Thing podcast - with Michael Mosley has covered the health benefits of eating two squares of dark chocolate a day. Take a listen below:


    To start your morning well, why not try an oaty breakfast like porridge? Oats are a great source of fibre and the way they release energy slowly can help to keep your mood regulated by avoiding pesky sugar spikes (Women's Health, 2024).

    Oats are also a rich source of iron, and low iron levels have been linked to fatigue, sluggishness and mood problems.


    Have you heard of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin? These substances are created by the brain and low levels of either one can be linked to depression, anxiety and other disorders.

    Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and tryptophan which helps to synthesize these neurotransmitters (BBC Good Food, 2023), and when paired with the slow-release energy and fibre, they deliver a hit of goodness.

    Salmon on a chopping board being marinated

    Oily fish

    Is there anything that oily fish isn’t good for? Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are all key sources of omega-3 which are key for cognitive function and linked to lower levels of depression.

    The benefits of oily fish are not only mood-related either (British Dietetic Association, 2023). They’re also thought to help against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and dementia.

    Podcast: Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley - Enjoy Oily Fish

    BBC's Just One Thing podcast - with Michael Mosley has covered the health benefits of eating oily fish and Omega-3's. Take a listen below:

    How Can Your Doctor Help You?

    Consulting with your doctor or nutritionist can help you to make an informed decision on the food choices that you make and ensures that you're diet is as safe and healthy as it can be for your individual needs.

    Weight Loss

    Not only can making healthier food choices boost your mood but you can also benefit from a maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re looking for ways to lose weight rather than boost mood then you should certainly incorporate a healthy balanced diet with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. However, if you haven’t been able to lose weight by diet and exercise alone then you may benefit from our weight loss medication, such as OrlistatWegovy, Mounajro or Saxenda.

    These are available without an existing prescription, using our online consultation process. Please note, all requests for supply of prescription medications are subject to an online clinical consultation and the decision to prescribe will be made by a registered doctor. 

    Medically Reviewed by:
    Dr. Alexis Missick MBChB. MRCGP
    GMC reference no: 7151419

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