Women's Health
    Updated at: December 05, 202314 min read

    Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished?

    Many individuals have questions about their fertility and the chances of getting pregnant during different phases of their menstrual cycle. In this article, we will address some of the most common queries, such as whether it's possible to conceive during your period, immediately after it has ended, and throughout your cycle. We'll provide clear and straightforward information to help you better understand your reproductive health and make informed choices. 

    Can you get pregnant on your period?

    No, the likelihood of getting pregnant during your period is generally quite low. This is because the fertile window, when the chances of conception are highest, typically occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle. However, it's important to remember that every person's cycle can vary, and sperm can survive in the body for a few days. So while the odds are low, it's not impossible. If you want to avoid pregnancy, it's advisable to use contraception consistently and effectively, regardless of your menstrual phase.

    Can you have sex when you are on your period?

    Certainly, you can engage in sexual activity while you're on your period if you and your partner are comfortable with it. Some people may choose to do so without any issues, while others may prefer to abstain during this time. It's a matter of personal preference and what both partners are comfortable with. Using protection, like condoms, can help prevent the transmission of infections and diseases, which is always important. Additionally, placing a towel or using other forms of protection can help manage any potential mess. Remember, communication and consent is the key to a healthy sexual relationship.

    Does a period mean there is no egg in the female's womb?

    A period, also known as menstruation, does indicate that an egg was not fertilised during the previous menstrual cycle. During a typical menstrual cycle, an egg is released from the ovaries in a process known as ovulation. If this egg is not fertilised by sperm, it will disintegrate, and the uterine lining, which thickens in preparation for a potential pregnancy, will shed. This shedding of the uterine lining is what you experience as a period.

    How could you get pregnant during your period?

    Conceiving during your period is less common, but it can occur due to the variability of menstrual cycles among individuals. Here are some of the main reasons why some people become pregnant during their period:

    Short Menstrual Cycles: Some people have shorter menstrual cycles, where they ovulate earlier in their cycle, even shortly after their period ends. Sperm can survive in the body for several days, so if you have a short cycle and have unprotected sex towards the end of your period, sperm may still be viable when you ovulate.

    Irregular Periods: For individuals with irregular periods, it can be challenging to predict when ovulation will occur. In such cases, ovulation may coincide with or shortly follow the end of the period.

    Confusion About Bleeding: In some cases, what is thought to be a period may not be a true menstrual period. It could be breakthrough bleeding or implantation bleeding, which can be mistaken for a period but actually occurs when an egg is fertilised and attaches to the uterus.

    Sperm Survival: Sperm can live inside the female reproductive tract for several days, so even if you had unprotected sex just before your period, sperm might still be viable when you ovulate.

    Can you still get STIs/STDs from sex when you are on your period?

    Yes, you can still contract sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs) during sex when you are on your period. Menstruation does not provide immunity against STIs, and the risk of infection remains present if you engage in sexual activity without protection, even during your period. STIs are typically transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids, such as semen, vaginal fluids, or blood. If you or your partner have an STI, the presence of blood from menstruation does not eliminate the risk of transmission.

    Can you be pregnant and still get your period?

    Pregnancy and having a period are generally considered mutually exclusive events. When a person is pregnant, their body undergoes hormonal changes that typically prevent menstruation. However, there can be instances that may cause bleeding during pregnancy, which might resemble a period, but it's not a true menstrual period.

    When is the best time to get pregnant?

    The best time to get pregnant is during your fertile window, which is typically in the middle of your menstrual cycle. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovaries, and it usually occurs approximately in the middle of a regular menstrual cycle, around day 14 in a 28-day cycle. However, it's important to note that the timing of ovulation can vary from person to person. Your fertile window is a few days leading up to and immediately following ovulation. Sperm can survive inside the female reproductive tract for several days, so having intercourse during this time increases the chances of fertilisation.

    Can you plan sex to avoid pregnancy?

    Yes, you can plan sex to avoid pregnancy by understanding the menstrual cycle and the concept of the fertile window. The fertile window is the time in a woman's menstrual cycle when pregnancy is most likely to occur. To avoid pregnancy, you can avoid unprotected sex during this period. Understanding your menstrual cycle is essential. A typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, but it can vary from person to person. The fertile window usually occurs around the middle of the cycle. An egg will usually be released by the ovaries around 14 days into the 28-day cycle, but can vary. To avoid pregnancy you can avoid unprotected sex during the fertile window. 


    Is contraception necessary for sex?

    No, contraception is not ‘necessary’ to have sex, however, it can keep all parties safe. Contraception is a responsible and effective approach to safe sex. Some common contraception options include:

    • Condoms: Both male and female condoms are readily available and provide a barrier method of contraception. They are also a good way to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

    • The Pill(s): These are taken daily and contain hormones that prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus to impede sperm movement.

    • Intrauterine Device (IUD): A healthcare professional can insert this small device into the uterus, where it can provide long-term contraception. There are hormonal and non-hormonal IUD options.

    • Implants: These are small rods placed under the skin that release hormones to prevent pregnancy and can last for several years.

    • Depo-Provera (Injections): This involves a hormone injection every three months, preventing pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation.

    • Contraceptive Ring: The contraceptive ring is a small, flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina to provide contraception. The contraceptive ring releases hormones similar to those found in birth control pills, specifically estrogen and progestin, to prevent pregnancy.

    • Emergency Contraception: If a contraceptive method fails or is not used, emergency contraception can be taken within a certain timeframe to reduce the risk of pregnancy. This is also sometimes called the morning-after pill. 

    Is using a condom necessary for sex when you're on your period?

    Using a condom during sex when you're on your period is not necessary for the sole purpose of preventing pregnancy because the chances of getting pregnant during your period are relatively low. However, using a condom during your period can provide other benefits, such as reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and making clean-up more manageable.

    Is using the combined contraceptive pill an effective way to avoid pregnancy when you're on your period?

    The combined contraceptive pill (such as Clairette and Dianette), when taken correctly, is an effective method of contraception that can help prevent pregnancy during your period and throughout your menstrual cycle. When taken consistently and correctly, the combined contraceptive pill offers a high level of protection against pregnancy. It's important to take the pill every day at the same time to ensure its effectiveness. There are many different types of combined contraceptive pills and you should always follow the instructions of the specific pill you need to take. 

    Is using the contraceptive patch an effective way to avoid pregnancy when you're on your period?

    Yes, the contraceptive patch is an effective method of contraception that can help prevent pregnancy when you're on your period and throughout your menstrual cycle. The contraceptive patch, often known as the "birth control patch," contains hormones (estrogen and progestin) that are absorbed through the skin. These hormones work to prevent pregnancy in several ways. Like the combined contraceptive pill, the patch suppresses ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovaries. This is a primary mechanism for preventing pregnancy. You can purchase contraceptive patches online from UK Meds

    Is using a mini-pill/progestogen-only pill an effective way to avoid pregnancy when you're on your period?

    The progestogen-only pill, often referred to as the mini-pill, is an effective method of contraception when taken correctly. It can help prevent pregnancy when you're on your period and throughout your menstrual cycle. The mini-pill contains only progestogen, a synthetic version of the natural hormone progesterone. It is taken daily at the same time. One of its primary mechanisms is thickening cervical mucus, making it more challenging for sperm to reach an egg.  It can also alter the uterine lining to make it less receptive to implantation.

    What contraceptive pills are available at UK Meds?

    Contraceptive pills are one of the most effective forms of contraception available. You can purchase a wide variety of contraceptive pills that have different methods of action. The contraceptive pills you can purchase online from UK Meds include:

    Combination Pills

    Progestogen-only pills

    We also provide other forms of medications online at UK Meds including the emergency contraceptive pill ellaOne. This medication is to be used after you have had unprotected sex, or if your method of contraception has failed. You can also purchase a number of other contraceptive methods from UK Meds including condoms from big-name brands such as Durex and Skins.

    How effective is the contraceptive pill at preventing pregnancy?

    When used consistently and correctly, the combined contraceptive pill is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. In practical terms, this means that fewer than 1 in 100 women who rely on the combined pill for contraception will become pregnant within a year. However, in real-world situations, about 8 in 100 women may experience pregnancy in a year due to incorrect usage, such as missing doses or not taking the pill as prescribed (resulting in 92% effectiveness).

    What factors can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills?

    Yes, there are several factors that can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills. Some key considerations to keep in mind include:

    • Other Medications: Some medications, such as certain antibiotics, antifungals, and anti-seizure drugs, can interfere with the effectiveness of contraceptive pills. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider if you're prescribed any new medications while taking the pill.

    • Sickness and Diarrhoea: If you experience severe vomiting or diarrhoea within a few hours of taking your pill, the absorption of the hormones in the pill may be affected.

    • Missing Doses: Missing pills or taking them at irregular times can significantly reduce the contraceptive effectiveness. It's crucial to take your pill consistently at the same time each day to maintain its full potential.

    • Detox Teas and Supplements: Some detox teas or dietary supplements may contain ingredients that affect the absorption of contraceptive hormones. It's advisable to discuss the use of such products with your healthcare provider if you're concerned about their impact on your contraceptive method.

    Is the pill suitable for everyone?

    The contraceptive pill is a commonly used method of birth control, but it may not be suitable for everyone. Whether the pill is a suitable choice depends on an individual's health, lifestyle, and preferences. Some people may not be able to use contraceptive pills due to certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, blood clots or liver disease. Others may not be able to use them because they are using other medications that could interact or interfere with how the contraception works. Some people may choose not to use the contraceptive pill as they experience bad side effects such as changes in bleeding, mood or sex drive.

    Pregnancy Tests

    Should I take a pregnancy test if I think I am pregnant?

    Yes, if you suspect you might be pregnant, taking a pregnancy test is a sensible and practical step to give you peace of mind or answers to your suspicions. It is usually best to take a pregnancy test a few days after your expected period.  If the first test is negative but you still suspect you might be pregnant, you can take another test a few days later. If you get a positive result, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for confirmation and to discuss your next steps.

    How do pregnancy tests work?

    Pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine or blood. HCG is produced by the placenta shortly after a fertilised egg attaches to the uterine lining during pregnancy. Home pregnancy tests are most commonly done using urine. The test usually includes a test stick or strip that you either urinate on or dip into a urine sample. If the test is sensitive enough to detect low levels of hCG, it can provide early pregnancy detection, even before the expected start of the menstrual period.

    What are common signs that you might be pregnant?

    If you believe that you might be pregnant there are a number of common signs that you can look out for that may provide an indication of potential pregnancy. The most common signs to look out for include:

    • Nausea and Vomiting: Many pregnant individuals experience nausea, particularly in the morning, but it can occur at any time of the day. This is commonly referred to as "morning sickness."

    • Tiredness and Fatigue: Pregnancy can bring about increased fatigue, often in the early and later stages of pregnancy. Hormonal changes and the body's increased demands contribute to this tiredness.

    • Tender or Sore Breasts: Hormonal changes in pregnancy can lead to breast changes, such as tenderness, soreness, and increased fullness. Breasts may also become more sensitive.

    • Frequent Urination: As the uterus expands and exerts pressure on the bladder, many pregnant individuals find they need to urinate more frequently.

    • Changes in Taste Buds: Some pregnant individuals notice changes in their sense of taste and appetite. Cravings or dislike of certain foods are common during pregnancy.

    • Missed Periods: A missed menstrual period is often the earliest and most noticeable sign of pregnancy. If your period is delayed, it can be a significant indicator.

    • Changes in Sense of Smell: Some pregnant individuals become more sensitive to odours, which can lead to heightened reactions to certain smells.

    • Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can lead to mood swings, which are common among expectant mothers.


    NHS - Getting Pregnant After Period

    KidsHealth - Can You Get Pregnant During Period?

    Flo Health - Conceiving During Menstruation

    Netdoctor - Facts About Period Sex

    WebMD - Starting on Getting Pregnant

    NHS - Pregnancy Nutrition

    Clearblue - Getting Pregnant During Period

    BNF Nice - Hormonal Contraceptives

    PubMed - Contraceptive Research

    NHS Inform - Combined Pill and Pregnancy

    NHS - Contraceptive Effectiveness

    NHS - Trying to Get Pregnant

    Netdoctor - Pregnancy Two Days Before Period

    What to Expect - Getting Pregnant on Your Period

    NHS - Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy

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